Carol Collins is a trance channel and The Pittsburgh Medium. Carol received her gift of communicating with Source in the same way as Esther Hicks - after 9-months of mediation her Guide, James began communicating with her by spelling words in the air with her nose and in a few short weeks she began trance channeling. James and Jeshua are her nonphysical Guide and Teachers and they describe themselves as "a Collective of Higher Consciousness Beings with a similar focus - teaching all to be able to communicate with Source dimension." Jeshua describes Carol and her abilities as "expert clairvoyant with a pre-birth decision to channel. She is a full, open, blended, consciously-aware verbal tranced channel." Through her James teaches The Foundational Material (who nonphysical beings are and why we participate in physical life), Jesus teaches ACIM (and how it clears or eliminates unconscious beliefs), Jeshua (the Collective) teaches Self Healing through Directed Energy, and the entity Seth teaches how to channel by strengthening intuition and clairvoyance.

Globally recognized and located in the Greater Pittsburgh, PA region, she travels frequently for workshops on How to Channel; the I AM chakra cleansing retreats; Jeshua Speaks workshops, Spiritually Led Journey - A Course In Miracles Workshop and Study Group; she holds channeled classes on how to increase intuitive abilities weekly and provides private readings by appointment. Her nonphysical teachers have dictated seven books through her and have started number eight - all within 4 short months.  To learn more, to schedule and interview with Seth, Jeshua, or other entity please contact her directly via her website and to register for workshops, classes, or retreats or to attend weekly ACIM Study Group with Jesus please use Contact Me via the website.

For her media outlets please see any of the following:
YouTube:  The Pittsburgh Medium
FB: @the.pittsburgh.medium
IG: @the.pittsburgh.medium
TikTok: The Pittsburgh Medium
email:  [email protected]

There is no better teacher of how to communicate with Source beings than Source beings themselves. Learning to Channel is an opportunity to have nonphysical teachers guide your unfoldment.

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Learning how to channel is a gift that everyone can receive. Hosted byThe Pittsburgh Medium, trance channel Carol Collins and 100% taught by Jeshua - the teachers of it. There is no better way to learn to communicate with Source than by Source themselves.