Rev. Milagros "Millie" Reynoso
Master Certified Reiki Healer,
Ordained Minister in Soul Evolution, &
Certified in Interpretative Sound Therapy.
Millie will lead us in a Sample Interpretative Sound Therapy Session.

Owner of
Milagros Wellness Sanctuary:
Guest Website:
Phone: 813-388-1702
Email: [email protected]

I am so pleased to have my amazing friend and “colleague in spirituality” Special Guest Milagros (“Millie”) Reynoso return to the show. In these uncertain times, it is important to find ways to stay grounded. I invited Millie on the show to discuss the importance of meditation and sound healing therapy as possible modalities for bringing greater inner peace and balance. I have enjoyed knowing Millie as a close friend since January 2017 when I first pursued my spiritual path officially. Millie owns her own business called Milagros Wellness Sanctuary.

Millie is a Master Certified Reiki Healer and an Ordained Minister in Soul Evolution. She’s certified in Integrative Sound Therapy, and she’s currently pursuing her own psychic medium abilities. Millie provides spiritual healing and intuitive guidance to her clients. We hope that you enjoy this episode.

Millie offers deep intuitive vibrational sound healing to her clients. Millie offers the following sessions on her website:

Deep Intuitive Sound Healing - session includes spiritual consultation, energy assessment, cord cutting/blockage removal (if necessary) and Reiki healing with vibrational sound therapy. This modality is gentle, yet powerful enough to produce balance to the energetic and physical bodies. The vibrational sound therapy works with the nervous system, tissues, the more subtle energies of the body and can heal on a deep cellular level. It is very relaxing and restores physical health. Session can include the Himalayan and/or crystal bowls, chimes, tuning forks, drumming, rattles or vocal chants.
90 Minute Session

Sound Healing Session - Receive a powerful and healing effect of sound! The session will reduce any stress and restore a feeling of well-being. You will enter into the world of the sacred (which is within) where all seeds and potentials are available for those who enter. Tools may include any or all of the following, depending on your concern: Crystal and/or Himalayan bowls, Gongs, Energy Chimes, Rain Stick, Drumming, Tuning and/or Weighted Forks, Vocal Tonation.
45 Minute Session