Zen Benefiel is a Possibilities Coagulator, Socially Mediated Extrovert, Transformational Life Coach, Translational Leader and Virtual Do-Gooder. Mr. Benefiel was adopted six weeks after birth, beginning life as an orphan and reconnected with his birth mother in 2019. A near-death experience in college further enhanced his quest for identity. He speaks and writes on a wide variety of topics with humor, intelligence and wisdom. His passion and purpose is to help facilitate a new world order of harmony among people and planet. He founded Be The Dream, LLC in 1988 to incorporate a holistic approach to personal and professional development. His professional activity includes a plethora of passions; an author many times over, a blogger on several websites, a motivational speaker, an organizational development consultant, a construction partnering facilitator, an event producer, a transformational life coach, a business and self-improvement workshop leader and webmeister. Mr. Benefiel has over 30 years of service spanning many industries and interests including aerospace manufacturing, education and instruction, large construction projects, peer advisory groups, theater and television. In the early 90s he produced and hosted over 100 One World TV shows featuring a wide variety of guests who discussed encountering and overcoming fears on the way to success. ‘Zen’ became his moniker during production of the show. Educationally, Zen qualifies as a ‘Phoenix’ (#671) with a BS in Business Administration, MBA in Project Management, MA in Organizational Management, Secondary Teaching Certification from the University of Phoenix and Emergency Certification for Special Education from AZ Dept. of Education. He has professional certifications as a Transformational Life Coach and Hypnotherapist from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. He has crafted and delivered high school and college curriculum.

He is a ‘contactee’ or ‘experiencer’ since childhood in rural Indiana; something not too many admit privately let alone acknowledge publicly. Zendor the Barbarian series was his first writing of the details, a ten-year process. He has a particular passion for intertwining the practical and profound, exploring the depths of consciousness, cosmology, science and spirituality as a life-long passion. He crafted MothershipCafe, curates UfologyPRSS, facilitates discussions and speaks about Star Family encounters on many levels. Zen developed PlanetaryCitizens.Net to showcase activists, collaborative alliances and world servers across multiple dimensions of global activity. His long-term project includes Spectrum Academy, a model peer community for challenged teens and young adults and Independence Arizona, a potential for making sense common politically. His clients include peer advisory board leaders, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs in a variety of markets. His latest book, ZERO to ONE – Making Our Way Toward a Conscious Civilization, explores the relationships of inner and outer experiences, noting several internal systems as well as an evolving intelligence in humanity. The author demonstrates that there is an invitation for our civilization and human intelligence to evolve by showing his personal experiences of interacting with advanced intelligence and his lifetime exploration of human nature, cosmology, UFOlogy, and the modalities of experiencing the paranormal powers with like-minded people. Zen lives in Arizona with his wife, Luba, who emigrated from St. Petersburg, Russia at 20.