Jason interviews Special Guests Dr. Allen Lycka & Harriet Tinka on their book,"The Secrets to Living A Fantastic Life: the 13 Golden Pearls Within."  Dr. Allen Lycka and Harriet Tinka share their harrowing and traumatic personal experiences with possibly facing imminent death and how it has changed their paradigms of the world.  Dr. Lycka was given a misdiagnosis of what he was told was a terminal illness and Harriet's experience related to a nearly fatal kidnapping and beating from a stalker.  Together and individually, they faced their experiences with courage and found insparation in each day that followed.  Dr. Lycka is a leading cosmetic dermatogist and he is now known for "Living a Fantastic Life and Turning Points."  He's a transformational speaker, thought leader, coach and mentor.  Harriet, a gorgeous former runway and magazine model, found new life as a transformational speaker, passionate life coach, blogger, Chartered Profesional Accountant, Football Official and Ultra-marathon runner.  Tinka has become a huge inspiration to women who have have faced domestic violence and she is the founder and CEO of the award-winning Social Enterprise, Empowered Me Inc., a company whose mission seeks to inspire women and girls to be their best.    Our guests have joined forces to share the wisdom they have gained from their traumatic expeiences in their new book.     For more information on Dr. Allen Lycka, please visit his website: www.drallenlycka.com.  For more information on Harriet Tinka, please visit her website:  www.empoweredme.ca.