Jason Interviews Author Elena Mannes about her new book, Soul Dog: A Journey into the Spiritual Life of Animals.   Looking for companionship after a near-fatal crash, Elena Mannes, an award-winning television journalist and producer, decided to get her first dog.   But what she found with her dog Brio shook the foundations of her physical and spiritual worlds, sending her on a quest to discvoer the nature of his spriritual origins and to contemplate and seek out the possibility of interspecies communication-even after death.   Mannes' growing curiosity about gaining an increased understanding Brio's intelligence, emotions, and consciousness led her to an animal psychic in California who described with amazing accuracy Brio's favorite walks and the author's apartment from her dog's point of view.   Motivated by this experience, Mannes produced a filmed segment with Diane Sawyer featuring the same psychic who described Sawyer's country house and her dog's favorite spots in the yard.  Mannes book seeks to answer the following issues:  Do animals have thoughts and feelings?  Consciousness?  Souls?  Is interspecies communication possible?  Can animals reincarnate?