Dr. Shelli Joye Discuss her new book, Developing Supersensible Perception in this episode.    Joye presents a detailed guide to awakening your powers of supersensory perception by:  1. Detailing methods and techniques for the acquisition of supersensory powers distilled from Rudolf Steiner’s 400 published volumes and from Patañjali’s Yoga Sutra; 2. Exploring acquisition of these powers at birth (genetic) and through entheogens, mantra and prayer, effort and exercise, and nondual meditation; 3. Including a map of consciousness based on the work of neuroscientist Karl Pribram and physicist David Bohm.   

According to philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), there exists within every human being the potential for developing supersensory powers and, with these powers activated, the ability to awaken the higher self and attain knowledge of non-physical higher worlds.  Steiner himself worked diligently throughout his life to develop his faculties of “supersensible perception” and, scattered throughout his many works, he describes methods by which to activate and operate these supersensory-cognitive systems.   Distilling techniques from Steiner’s more than 400 published volumes, Shelli Renée Joye, Ph.D., presents a modern approach to cultivating supersensible perception and developing higher consciousness.   The five approaches she studies include acquisition by birth (genetic), entheogens, mantra and prayer, effort and exercise, and Samadhi--equated by many with nondual awareness.  Adding another dimension to Steiner’s methods, the author shows how these steps are powerfully aligned with 4th-century South Indian sage Patañjali’s teachings in the Yoga Sutra.    She also shares her own extraordinary experiences of supersensory networks of consciousness.