For nearly three decades, Sherry Stirling Fernandez has been a Speaker, a Teacher, a Mentor, and is now the Author of "Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential." Sherry, and her husband Ken Fernandez, are a rags-to-riches story. Against all odds they found success, not only financially, but in each of the eight areas of Life Mastery - physical, spiritual, relationships, education, motivation, money, lifestyle and character. The Life Mastery program is a result of their careful study of the principles of success and a lifetime of practicing those principles. What makes Sherry unique in her ability to teach personal development is the years of study and practice she invested to master the principles she now teaches. It all began in 2009, in the midst of the recession, when Sherry opened a boutique fitness, FitMania, and personal development business, FitLife that grew rapidly and transformed lives. Out of that, emerged Sherry’s Life Mastery Training, The Life Mastery Mentoring Program and Sherry’s powerful new book Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential which we will learn more about today. They all focus on achieving full Life Mastery in those eight key areas. However, Sherry often observed that people in personal transformation programs leave excited and vowing change, only to slip back into old habits without a practical accountable way to implement that change. A solution to that is what Life Mastery brings to the discourse. Sherry maintains that the formula for Life Mastery is Contentment + Progress = Happiness -- striving continually toward your infinite potential. And she has the method to keep you in that sustained process of achieving, becoming and celebrating!

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• Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential
• Available on for $23.49 in hardcover, $16.95 on softcover, and $4.99 on Kindle. Free Resources
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