Author Judi Miller Discusses Her New Book, "Perfect: A Path to Love,Forgiveness and Transformation."  Miller's book illustrates the awe-inspiring and miraculous way that the Universe orchestrates our lives toward a state of wholeness, completion and love--whether we are aware of it or not!  Who has not at some point in your life experienced the feeling that an intelligence greater than ourselves is guiding us forward to our destinies and desires.   Judi is a highly successful CPA and corporate finance executive, who unknown to her co-workers lived in terror of the night and the possibility of sexual assualt. Happily married with chidren, her fears made life a modern-day nightmare, but worse--she had no idea why?  There was nothing in her own personal background that would warrant the near constant state of fear.  In her new book, Miller relates the extraordinary path she took to discover the root of those fears. 

On a Good Friday, sitting in church with her family, MIller transcended into a state of total and unconditional love, something that went beyond just her emotions.  It related to an amazing journey that Judi was guided to take that brought the exact right people together, in the exact order, to right a wrong committed decades ago--before her birth, but which left its shadow on her soul.  Today, you'll hear from her about the spiritual journey that unfolded and which guided her heart, enabled forgiveness across multiple generations and showed her the perfection of all that we are.    Her book is available at and you can find additional information about our guest on her website: where there are several free bonus items including a free e-book: Creator Within.