The government WANTS inflation! That is their business plan! 

Today Jason is hosted by Edna Keep of the 7 Figure Real Estate Show.

Jason shares how we can align our interests with governments and central banks (who are destroying the value of our currency) and how his inflation induced debt destruction is just one of the ways to fight back, making income property the most historically proven asset class in the world! So like the old saying goes, "If you can't beat them, join them!" and discover why DEBT is Jason's favorite 4 letter word!

Key Takeaways:

2:21 Introducing Jason

5:34 An overview of the Hartman Comparison Index (HCI)

6:16 Inflation Induced Debt Destruction

9:12 Government overspending and 6 ways we can get out

13:39 The most likely solution: inflation

15:21 Understanding real and nominal, and the insidious hidden tax

17:31 Destroying the value of debt and redistributing wealth and the rise of crypto currencies

20:31 A real world example

27:55 Outsourcing the mortgage payment

29:52 Aligning our interests with governments and central banks

31:11 Do NOT pay your mortgage off- Refi Till You Die!

Watch the video with the CHARTS here.


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