Happy New Year! 

I cannot believe that we’re in 2020 already!

This week, I am speaking with Sarah Somian, a holistic nutritionist and wellness coach, about how to live a life with intention. I met her through Fiona, after she mentioned how positive and inspiring she was. We chat about she got into nutrition from initially wanting to be a doctor, and her love for travel. I hope that this episode inspires you, to go within yourself, as you plan for the new year :)

01:45 - Sarah introduces herself and her many interests

03:00 - How Sarah got into food from wanting to initially be an OBGYN, public health, and studying psychology rather than medicine

14:00 - How we have learned to take life’s challenges to learn the lessons within them

17:30 - On realizing that nutrition could be the main hustle rather than the fun project

[Just because you have an interest in something doesn’t mean that you will love working in that - Sarah]

23:30 - Why Michaella cares so much about people do, and how they feel in what they do

[Life is short and you want to live it for yourself, and not for anyone else - Sarah]

36:00 - The moment that made Sarah realize it was time to move on, and how she approached it 

49:00 - How we can settle intentions that are more flexible and make room for the magic to happen 

[Take everyday as a beautiful gift, and an opportunity for you to have fun, to explore, to experience - Sarah]


Check out Deliciously Vibrant to learn more about Sarah’s work. You can also find her on Instagram :) 

Workaway, the resource that can help you travel abroad


May 2020 be the year where you have peace, as Landry mentioned ;)


Follow us on Facebook: Jase avec Moi, and where podcasts are found: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Play

What did you think of the episode? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments, and if you liked it - share it with your friends :)

In the meantime keep striving, keep thriving, and keep shining!