Hey everyone, my name is Top, and this is the Jarhead Podcast. I am a MSgt in the United States Marine Corps. I have almost 20yr of crayon eating experience. As my retirement draws nearer, I realize I have quite of bit of insight into military life, specifically Marine Corps life. 

Living a military life can be a struggle. And for less than 1% of Americans, we as Marines, face that struggle everyday. We are deployed, stationed overseas or across the U.S. from our friends and family. Funerals, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and holidays; we have missed them all, or will during our time serving in the greatest fighting force on Earth. I will break down some of the inner-workings of the Marine Corps, from bootcamp to retirement. What does it take to be a successful Marine, and how easily it can crumble under your feet. Interviews, historical battles, latest news from the Pentagon, and so much more will be discussed.

Here on the Jarhead podcast, we’re gonna take a deep dive into the Marine Corps way of life. So grab a beer, and maybe a box of crayons if your hungry, and lets see what it takes to be one of the few and proud, here on Jarhead.