ただいま~ Today we spin some tunes provided to me by my friends from around the World. We talk about, The Treatments’s wall of Blackstar Amplification, Extreme’s Gary Cherone era Van

The post Japanese Metal Head Show 031 – Random Requests And My Thoughts appeared first on Metal Moment.

ただいま~ Today we spin some tunes provided to me by my friends from around the World. We talk about, The Treatments’s wall of Blackstar Amplification, Extreme’s Gary Cherone era Van Halen, and JMH listener Michael L’s band Malignancy. 世界中のリスナーさんから送られて来た曲を流します。

他にはSammy HagarがAerosmithに加入する話が一時期あった話、Eddie Van Halenが大腸憩室炎の緊急手術のためヴァン・ヘーレン来日公演延期の話などなど。ザ・雑談の方もよろしくお願いします。私は小ニャンコクラブの会員です。(ドランカー度 5.2)

Japanese Metal Head Show is now available on Stitcher SmartRadio. BMW and MINI also added Stitcher into their vehicles. Go and check out BMW’s Apps and Mini Connected technologies.

ザ・雑談 ”別に良いじゃん~”

マイケル・バトラー氏(ジェット・ボーイ、エクソダス、アメリカン・ハートブレーク、ポッドキャストの神様)から習った事。ジャパニーズ・メタルヘッド会員番号? 新しいポッドキャストを始めるかも~

Featured Tracks:

The Treatment: Nothing To Lose But Our Minds (requested by Steve Scott from Prague)

Van Halen: Without You

Malignancy: Necropolis (Listener Michael L’s Demo)

Powermad: Nice Dreams (requested by @zetsubou_proth)

Virtual Star: Hasseigaku (requested by @Fooly_Kewly)

Kyoko Koizumi: ヤマトナデシコ七変化

Gears used today:

– Heil PR-40

– Shure X2u

– Pop Filter

– Sony MDR-V6 Dynamic Stereo HeadPhone

– Corona Light Beer

The post Japanese Metal Head Show 031 – Random Requests And My Thoughts appeared first on Metal Moment.