This article first appeared on SportsLook, JAPAN Forward's dedicated sports website.

New York Yankees slugger Aaron Judge is the runaway winner of the AL MVP Award, easily outdistancing runner-up Shohei Ohtani of the Los Angeles Angels in voting conducted by the Baseball Writers' Association of America (BBWAA). 

An announcement was made on Thursday night, November 17.

Judge received 28 of 30 first-place votes. Ohtani, the unanimous 2021 winner, got the other two first-place votes.

Thirty BBWAA voters, two representing each American League city, cast votes before the playoffs began. Ballots contain voting for first through 10th place, with a descending value in points: 14 for first place, nine for second, eight for third ― and down to one for 10th.

Judge received 410 points, Ohtani had 280 and third-place finisher Yordan Alvarez of the Houston Astros got 232.

Read the full story on SportsLook.

Author: Ed Odeven

Follow Ed on JAPAN Forward's [Japan Sports Notebook] here on Sundays, in [Odds and Evens] here during the week, and Twitter @ed_odeven, and find him on JAPAN Forward's dedicated sports website, SportsLook.

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The post Shohei Ohtani Finishes Second to Aaron Judge in AL MVP Voting first appeared on JAPAN Forward.

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