CONTENT WARNING: Heads up, especially for any UC and ex-moonie listeners: This episode is pretty heavy on the cult content. We have a discussion about Sanctuary Church, a splinter cult of the main Unification Church. The discussion includes guns, violence against LGBTQ+, and alt-right ideology and conspiracy theories. If you’re not up for it, feel free to skip this episode or come back to it when you are fully resourced.

Here’s what happens on the Jane Austen end: Darcy and Col. Fitzwilliam have left the building. Elizabeth is still processing the aftermath of Darcy’s letter. Lady Catherine is still “wakadoodle”, Mr. Collins is still annoying. Elizabeth and Maria head back home and meet Lydia and Kitty at an inn on the way. Lydia does some shopping and fills us in on important gossip. Elizabeth is conflicted about how to relay what she’s learned about Wickham without revealing too much. We learn we’re all a little bit of a “Mary”

Resources mentioned in this episode: 

ICSA- International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), founded in 1979, provides information, education, and help to those adversely affected by or interested in cultic and other high-control groups and relationships.  ICSA is unique in how it brings together former group members, families, helping professionals and researchers

I Got Out- The sole mission of #iGotOut is to inspire survivors of cultic abuse to tell and share their stories, creating an online community dedicated to unflinching honesty.

Email us: [email protected]

Find Laurel on Instagram and Twitter @laurelnakai

Hosted by Laurel Nakai and Akina Cox

Music and Production by Laurel Nakai

Artwork by Akina Cox