Pop Art Painter Jamie Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes Terry Spears, Writer, Director, Producer (Jovi & Lou Movie | Comedy, Drama) to the Show! 

(Click to go there)

● FB: @Jovi.and.Lou

● AMAZON: https://bit.ly/JaL42223

● IMDB: www.imdb.com/title/tt20912230

● TUBI: tubitv.com/movies/100003393/jovi-lou

An irreverent and sometimes offensive dark comedy in a world where Jovi (God) and Lou (Satan) negotiate the fate of all humanity, one game piece at a time.

After his wife Mary sinks into a coma after a car wreck, Joey strikes a bargain with the sinister Lou to save her. His quest for her salvation leads him behind the scenes to the realm of the immortals, where humans are merely pawns in Jovi & Lou's games. Written and Directed by Terry Spears (AGENT JADE BLACK), JOVI AND LOU stars Victoria Strange, Erman Baradi, Ben Cable, Allan Wayne Anderson.

Available now on Amazon & Tubi from Indie Rights, JOVI & LOU.

● Media Inquiries:

October Coast