I hear it a lot. People want to get into swing trading or investing but claim they don’t have any money to get started. Lets be real clear here, the Read More

I hear it a lot. People want to get into swing trading or investing but claim they don’t have any money to get started. Lets be real clear here, the normal person will not be making $1000 per day trading the stock market and you don’t need any where near that to get started.

For now, ignore the YouTube channels that talk about making certain amounts of money per day. Ignore the super car traders picking up chicks they could never have picked up if it weren’t for their cars. Those people were either given lots of money by rich mommy and daddy or are complete frauds, but this article is not about them, it’s about you.

You have an opportunity right now to raise funds to kick off your investing journey. You can start with $100, $50 or even $10 and open a TD Ameritrade account for free.

Don’t have $100, $50 or even $10 to spare? Bullshit.

Here are a few ideas.

Quick drinking. If you drink alcohol on a regular basis you can quick drinking and easily fund your brokerage with the money saved. Craft beer is stupid expensive. $5 on up to $9 for a pint of brew. Just a couple of craft beers worth of money can get you started investing.Quick smoking. Smoking is probably even more expensive than drinking. Instead of using money wasted on cigarettes to kill yourself, use it to invest and make those investments work for you! Besides, smoking is for the weak and your done being a sheeple….right?Cancel Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu and all the other streaming services. Put hat monthly money into your brokerage for investing. Instead of frying your brain on useless nonsense, pick up some books about investing on Amazon.Sell your iPhone and get an Android phone. You can get a brand new Sony Android phone for around $180 that takes amazing photos. Get a prepaid account and use the huge savings to invest.Sell junk on eBay. This is how I got started. I sold $500 worth of crap on eBay. I put everything up for $1 starting price with no reserved. It was crap that I hadn’t touch in months. Wife is happy I got rid of the junk and I got started investing.

So there you have it. No excuses here folks! Money is all around you, you just have to step back and force yourself to see it. Take money being wasted and put it to good use!