James and Ashley are interviewed by Amy Lovat of Secret Book Stuff (who they interviewed in episode 34), for Amy & Laura's radio show 'Reading Makes You Better in Bed.' In it, they discuss reading habits, the history of James and Ashley's podcast, and whether or not reading really does make you better in bed. This interview originally aired on Newcastle Live Radio on June 25 2021. 

You can learn more about Secret Book Stuff on their website, follow them on Instagram and Facebook, or explore their various radio shows/podcast appearances.

Books and authors discussed in this episode:

Song of the Crocodile by Nardi Simpson (interviewed in ep 18);  Emotional Female by Yumiko Kadota (interviewed in ep 28);  Of Gold and Dust by Samantha Wills;  Far From the Tree by Andrew Solomon;  The Shape of Sound by Fiona Murphy;    Hitch by Kathryn Hind; The Spill by Imbi Neeme; The Rabbits by Sophie Overett;  The End, My Struggle Book 6 by Karl Ove Knausgaard;  David Vann (interviewed in ep 23)

Get in touch!

Ashley's Website: ashleykalagianblunt.com Ashley's Twitter: @AKalagianBlunt Ashley's Instagram: @akalagianblunt James' Website: jamesmckenziewatson.com James' Twitter: @JamesMcWatson James' Instagram: @jamesmcwatson

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