James and Ashley interview GP and author Joanna Nell about her new novel 'The Great Escape from Woodland's Nursing Home.' In it, they discuss positive ageing, the challenges faced by Australia's aged care system, and the runaway success of the 'uplit' genre.

Learn more about Joanna on her website, and buy a copy of 'The Great Escape from Woodland's Nursing Home' from your local bookshopBooktopia or wherever else books are sold. 

Books and authors discussed in this episode

Providing Good Care at Night for Older People by Diana Kerr and Heather Wilkinson; The Ripping Tree by Nikki Gemmell; On Quiet by Nikki Gemmell; Beautiful Kate by Newton Thornburg; Far from the Tree by Andrew Solomon

Get in touch!

Ashley's Website: ashleykalagianblunt.com Ashley's Twitter: @AKalagianBlunt Ashley's Instagram: @akalagianblunt James' Website: jamesmckenziewatson.com James' Twitter: @JamesMcWatson James' Instagram: @jamesmcwatson

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