Our next Podcast episode is Joplin’s live set from Slinky 15. Joplin took to the decks on Saturday night of Slinky 15 from 9pm – 10:30pm. Joplin has come to be known for her sunrise sets and smooth daytime mixes, so we were happy to get her back into a party...

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The post Joplin – Live at Slinky 15 – June 2014 appeared first on JAM On It Productions | Slinky Family Gathering | House Music, Forest Campouts, Nice People.

Our next Podcast episode is Joplin’s live set from Slinky 15. Joplin took to the decks on Saturday night of Slinky 15 from 9pm – 10:30pm. Joplin has come to be known for her sunrise sets and smooth daytime mixes, so we were happy to get her back into a party hour timeslot for this year’s Slinky.

Joplin is a long-time resident with us and a crowd favorite. Enjoy this set, it’s got some funk, some jams and all the things you need to get down. Share it, burn it and repost it.



(Pork n Beats, Slinky-LA)



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The post Joplin – Live at Slinky 15 – June 2014 appeared first on JAM On It Productions | Slinky Family Gathering | House Music, Forest Campouts, Nice People.