Dennis Yu’s mission is to create a million jobs. Not just any jobs, but meaningful work for digital marketers who get certified and progress at the same time.  $500 a month in the Philippines, Pakistan, and Nigeria is life-changing money. Real estate agents, mortgage brokers, doctors, and other local service businesses, following the direction of the most respected figurehead in their industry, purchase implementation packages that are serviced by our network of agency owners. These agency owners never need to sell, because of our relationship with the figureheads of each industry. They manage their client relationships and the workers performing tasks in our “Content Factory”. None of this would be possible without the generous support of partners such as DigitalMarketer, Social Media Examiner, Fiverr, GoDaddy, Keap, OmniConvert,, Tom Ferry, Barry Habib, and others who believe in training up millions of digital marketing professionals. Dennis has managed campaigns for enterprise clients like The Golden State Warriors, Nike, and Rosetta Stone. He’s an internationally recognized lecturer in Facebook Marketing and has spoken over 730 times in 17 countries. Dennis has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, LA Times, National Public Radio, TechCrunch, Fox News, CNN, CBS Evening News and co-authored “Facebook Nation” – a textbook taught in over 700 colleges and universities. He’s a regular contributor to Adweek’s SocialTimes column and is published in Social Media Examiner, Social Media Club, Tweak Your Biz, B2C, SocialFresh, and Heyo. Dennis has held leadership positions at Yahoo! and American Airlines and studied Finance and Economics at Southern Methodist University and London School of Economics. He ran collegiate cross-country at SMU and has competed in over 20 marathons including a 70-mile ultramarathon. He was ranked as the number one speaker of the conference at the PPC Caesar’s Award 2018. Besides being a Facebook data and ad geek, you can find him eating chicken wings or playing Ultimate Frisbee in a city near you.

|Dennis YU|



0:00 - Introduction4:45 - Who is Dennis yu?8:00 - Facebook Ads13:00 - Amplify Social Prood18:14 - Quality Metrics25:20 - Instagram28:00 - Blitz Metrics35:00 - Delegating Work46:00 - Chiro Revenue52:00 - Micro Niches57:00 - Podcasting01:00 - Public Speaking01:05 - What does Las Vegas Mean to You?

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