Jake & Jonathan kick-off the first episode of the new year by diving straight into prod… no, they start by rambling for a good long while. But it’s good rambling: new year goals, journaling, setting OKRs, and Jonathan’s mom meets a random Irish guy that knows Jake. 😂 But then! Then Jake and Jonathan talk about a super interesting article about advertising business models and going beyond them. It’s a good one! 🤑



Fedor (designer at AJ&Smart) on Twitter, Instagram

Outgrowing Advertising: Multimodal Business Models as a Product Strategy by Connie Chan

When AI is the Product: The Rise of AI-Based Consumer Apps

by Connie Chan

Connie Chan on Twitter

Andreesen Horowitz

Andreesen Horowitz (A16z) podcast

Andreesen Horowitz (A16z) on YouTube

Book: The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz



Seth Godin

Malcom Gladwell

Buy Sprint! 📘🏃‍♀️

Buy Make Time! 📗⏰

AJ&Smart + Jake Knapp Official Design Sprint Masterclass:ajsmart.com/masterclass 🥇📹

Your Hosts:

Follow Jake Knapp on Twitter: @jakek
Follow Jonathan Courtney on Instagram or Twitter: @jicecream
Write into the podcast: [email protected]
Podcast editing by Jason Sanderson: PodcastTech.com
Show notes by Amr Khalifeh. IG: @amrkhalifeh
Follow the podcast on Medium

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