Get ready for another exciting episode of JAIG EYES & JEDI – a podcast covering the entire run of Star Wars – Rebels! This week your hosts HOPE MULLINAX and CHRIS HONEYWELL sit down to discuss the seventh episode of season two – STEALTH STRIKE! There will be – Col. [...]

Get ready for another exciting episode of JAIG EYES & JEDI – a podcast covering the entire run of Star Wars – Rebels! This week your hosts HOPE MULLINAX and CHRIS HONEYWELL sit down to discuss the seventh episode of season two – STEALTH STRIKE! There will be – Col. SIDEBURNS – CRUMPLY STAR DESTROYER – TIGHT ASS STORMTROOPER ARMOR – THE LIGHTSABER STORMTROOPER RIVERDANCE – ZERO G’S – REX SCORES A BULLSEYE! And ALL THE REST OF THE STUFF!