Welcome in, family!  Join D-RO and Ras E from the Ioneyez Studio for a very special journey through word, sound and power.  Fulljoy this extended vibration that was broadcast over two blissed nights as D-RO and Ras E reunite to bring this healing to the nations.  We are honored to have you all (family) be […]

Welcome in, family!  Join D-RO and Ras E from the Ioneyez Studio for a very special journey through word, sound and power.  Fulljoy this extended vibration that was broadcast over two blissed nights as D-RO and Ras E reunite to bring this healing to the nations.  We are honored to have you all (family) be a part of this vibration and we give thanks to the Most High Creator for this breathe of life…

Listen here: http://archive.org/download/JahWorksRadio821222018WithRa/Jah%20Works%20Radio%208-21-22-2018%20with%20Ra.mp3

Download here (right click and “save target as” to download: http://archive.org/download/JahWorksRadio821222018WithRa/Jah%20Works%20Radio%208-21-22-2018%20with%20Ra.mp3