Previous Episode: EPISODE 15 Jada is Our Queen

In this episode, we talk about the freedom to enjoy pleasure in one's own way and what that might look like. Chas talks about the devotion that her younger self gifts to her older self given the fact that in any present moment, she is the youngest she is going to be for the rest of her life. Her older self likes that the bed is made in the morning so it’s a pleasure to get into at night and that her socks are folded right side out. Small pleasures compound.

Julia reiterates that it is almost impossible to give from empty having extracted energy from ourselves via work, family and childcare.

We agree that we can only give from full and discuss our ways of ‘filling up’. These can take the form of writing steps, practices and pleasure. We discuss the advantages of taking small sustainable steps with discipline and patience which in turn brings freedom and, of course, more pleasure!.