Previous Episode: EPISODE 15 Jada is Our Queen

This week Bernadette is still missing in adventure action. But nevermind, as Julia and I talk about what has kept us on the sane side of stir crazy in 2020. We continue our travels, virtual and otherwise, by doing our version of Room 101 - namely by nominating the tools for survival and thriving we’d put into our adventure backpacks.

We talk about reconnecting to our indigenous spirit in a time of growing automation, dispossession and trans-humanism and we pay more than a passing reference to the importance of the arts.

Julia reads us a poem about desire, something we’re committed to exploring in future podcasts. What’s your view on all of this? We’re loving your comments yay or nay so do keep those coming.

Do enjoy this week, we look forward to seeing you when we’re back next Friday with a new episode.