This week, it’s all about Producing Magazines, and I’m thrilled that we’re joined by the absolutely fabulous Sophie Kalagas.

Sophie is the Editor of Frankie Magazine – an international, bi-monthly publication based right here in Melbourne that celebrates, inspires and empowers a community of creatively inclined, curious and kind-hearted readers. It covers all sorts of topics across design, art, photography, fashion, travel, music, craft, interiors and real-life stories, and Sophie is responsible for bringing it all together. For Editors, it seems there’s actually a lot of production involved, artfully managing teams of writers, photographers, designers, art directors, and all sorts of other talents, carefully kneading it all into a publication that truly stands out amongst a sea of other titles each and every month – something Sophie does with extraordinary skill. It’s crazy to think that Frankie has been on stands for 15 years now. For a whopping 7 of those, Sophie has been an integral part of making Frankie something we truly cherish.


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Open Tabs

Ship It To – Jeremy

hunger4words Instagram – Sophie

Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe – Lara

Sophie’s Socials

Frankie’s website

Frankie’s Instagram

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Special thanks to Jacky Winter (the band, with much better shirts than us) for the music.

Listen to them over at Soundcloud.

Everything else Jacky Winter (us) can be found at