If you’ve bought or sold anything in the last few years, you’ve more than likely come across the term Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. The technology that makes this all happen is called a Blockchain, and if you’re following current trends, it’s the word on the tip of everyone’s tongue. Much like VR and AR, many other industries are still trying to figure out the broader use of the technology, especially the marketing and advertising communities, so we thought we’d dip our toes in and report back our findings for those who might want to stay ahead of the curve in their own practice.

We are currently looking for new interview subjects! Know a PM, producer, studio manager, art buyer, etc etc who is amazing at their job? Dob them in to [email protected] so we can hit them up!

Featured links from our discussion - Want to get these in your inbox every Friday? Sign up for our text-only tinyletter at tinyletter.com/jackywinter

Intro Links! : Fluff – Email Newsletter / What Is Your Opposite Job? / You Will Lose Your Job To A Robot Sooner Than You Think

Blockchain! : MIT Blockchain Explainer animated by Julian Glander / Harvard Business Review: Blockchain Could Help Artists Profit More from Their Creative Works / Mapping the blockchain project ecosystem / 27 Ways Marketers can use Blockchain / Bjork’s new album goes all-in on the blockchain craze / Binded - Copyright Made Simple / MAECENAS | The art investment platform /

If you like the show or these links or think we sound like nice people, please go and leave us a rating or review on iTunes. It helps other people find the show and boosts our downloads which in turn lets us know that what we're doing is worth doing more of!

Jacky Winter Gives You The Business is produced by Areej Nur

To subscribe, view show notes or previous episodes head on over to our podcast page at http://jackywinter.givesyouthe.biz/

Special thanks to Jacky Winter (the band, with much better shirts than us) for the music.

Listen to them over at Soundcloud.

Everything else Jacky Winter (us) can be found at http://www.jackywinter.com/