Welcome to the Jackwagon Express Thanksgiving Day Special!!   We jump into some DB Cooper talk as our next show we will get back to the True Crime grind and dive deep into the mysterious skyjacking of flight 305 and the Boeing 727 that was Hijacked by DB Cooper.  This is a great mystery.. Cooper was a genius in setting up his plan, receiving the $200,000 and literally disappearing into thin air.  Consider this portion of the episode a "briefing" on what is to come in the full length Sinister Nation dive into one DB Cooper!

The rest of this episode is based on Thanksgiving themed tomfoolery including You've Been Canceled, Bad Jokes, I call Bullsh*t, Listener questions and the word of the show is back!  Troy also tells us all you need to know about Thanksgiving in a 60 seconds or less fast paced rant... love this.

The city shout out of the week stays in the state of Washington... A huge shout out to Seattle for being the top city of downloads this last week! 

We found a top 12 list of Thanksgiving dishes... we demolish that and make our own list and add in some items that are only left off the table by a psychopath... WHO THE HELL DOESN'T HAVE BAKED BEANS on their top 10 list?  Find out what other tomfoolery is on this list.

We can't forget about our Jackwagon Pickem making a return!  This week the guys draft a team of Disney Characters they would want as if both teams were entering a battle royale to the death.  See which team you like the best and let us know on social who you think would win the battle!

Join us on Patreon and GET 2 PODCASTS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!!  Joining will help us out greatly as we try to keep adding more bonus content.  The Jackwagon Express and Sinister Nation are in one patreon location...


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