DB Cooper the Hijacking starts at 1hr 41min 35sec

In this episode the we shout out the city of East Haven Connecticut as the highest percentage of listeners this week came from East Haven.  You've been canceled is still going strong as there are so many things that annoy a person on  weekly basis.  Troy tells us everything we need to know about winter in 60 seconds.  Sports and news takes us down many rabbit holes... we talk about the Jake Paul vs Nate Robinson fight, Sarah Fuller is the first woman to play in a power 5 conference college football game, and the mysterious metal monolith found in a Utah desert has gone missing and someone has footage of it being removed.  We jump down the rabbit hole of freedom of speech and what is going on with "big social media"... no matter what side of the fence you are on, your free speech should not be censored... but never fear... we have fun with this topic as well.


On November 24th 1971, a cold rainy day, a well dressed clean shaven man wearing a business suit and carrying a briefcase and atache bag, walks into the Portland Oregon airport looking to purchase a short 30 minute one way flight to Seattle Tacoma Airport. The man walked up to the flight counter and identified himself as Dan Cooper. Dan Cooper paid $20 cash for the ticket and was assigned to seat 18c on Northwest Orient Airlines flight 305. This is how the story starts for the infamous DB Cooper. Cooper was a very polite man through the entire hijacking, even offering a bundle of his ransom cash to one of the flight attendants. In this episode of Sinister Nation, we dive into the case of DB Cooper, and the story of how the hijacking went down from start to finish. We end the episode with a conversation on how we think it may have happened and why. Is this a complete CIA operation with people involved to change security and policies at airports? Was there another reason?

 On November 24th 1971, a cold rainy day, a well dressed clean shaven man wearing a business suit and carrying a briefcase and atache bag, walks into the Portland Oregon airport looking to purchase a short 30 minute one way flight to Seattle Tacoma Airport.  The man walked up to the flight counter and identified himself as Dan Cooper.  Dan Cooper paid $20 cash for the ticket and was assigned to seat 18c on Northwest Orient Airlines flight 305.
This is how the story starts for the infamous DB Cooper.  Cooper was a very polite man through the entire hijacking, even offering a bundle of his ransom cash to one of the flight attendants.  In this episode of Sinister Nation, we dive into the case of DB Cooper, and the story of how the hijacking went down from start to finish.  We end the episode with a conversation on how we think it may have happened and why.  Is this a complete CIA operation with people involved to change security and policies at airports?  Was there another reason? Did Cooper even jump from the plane?  Was this a man with a real grudge, possibly a former employee of the government just trying to get his?  I guess we will never find out but the story is awesome!

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DB Cooper the Hijacking starts at 1hr 41min 35sec

In this episode the we shout out the city of East Haven Connecticut as the highest percentage of listeners this week came from East Haven.  You've been canceled is still going strong as there are so many things that annoy a person on  weekly basis.  Troy tells us everything we need to know about winter in 60 seconds.  Sports and news takes us down many rabbit holes... we talk about the Jake Paul vs Nate Robinson fight, Sarah Fuller is the first woman to play in a power 5 conference college football game, and the mysterious metal monolith found in a Utah desert has gone missing and someone has footage of it being removed.  We jump down the rabbit hole of freedom of speech and what is going on with "big social media"... no matter what side of the fence you are on, your free speech should not be censored... but never fear... we have fun with this topic as well.


On November 24th 1971, a cold rainy day, a well dressed clean shaven man wearing a business suit and carrying a briefcase and atache bag, walks into the Portland Oregon airport looking to purchase a short 30 minute one way flight to Seattle Tacoma Airport. The man walked up to the flight counter and identified himself as Dan Cooper. Dan Cooper paid $20 cash for the ticket and was assigned to seat 18c on Northwest Orient Airlines flight 305. This is how the story starts for the infamous DB Cooper. Cooper was a very polite man through the entire hijacking, even offering a bundle of his ransom cash to one of the flight attendants. In this episode of Sinister Nation, we dive into the case of DB Cooper, and the story of how the hijacking went down from start to finish. We end the episode with a conversation on how we think it may have happened and why. Is this a complete CIA operation with people involved to change security and policies at airports? Was there another reason?

 On November 24th 1971, a cold rainy day, a well dressed clean shaven man wearing a business suit and carrying a briefcase and atache bag, walks into the Portland Oregon airport looking to purchase a short 30 minute one way flight to Seattle Tacoma Airport.  The man walked up to the flight counter and identified himself as Dan Cooper.  Dan Cooper paid $20 cash for the ticket and was assigned to seat 18c on Northwest Orient Airlines flight 305.
This is how the story starts for the infamous DB Cooper.  Cooper was a very polite man through the entire hijacking, even offering a bundle of his ransom cash to one of the flight attendants.  In this episode of Sinister Nation, we dive into the case of DB Cooper, and the story of how the hijacking went down from start to finish.  We end the episode with a conversation on how we think it may have happened and why.  Is this a complete CIA operation with people involved to change security and policies at airports?  Was there another reason? Did Cooper even jump from the plane?  Was this a man with a real grudge, possibly a former employee of the government just trying to get his?  I guess we will never find out but the story is awesome!


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