Hello! Happy holiday season! We have some special end-of-the-year announcements!

First, we have a special gift for you – a Jackie Watches Stuff mini-series: Jackie Watches Hallmark Christmas Movies! You can access the three-episode series this week on our Patreon. It's available for patrons at all levels!

Second, we're going to give 50% of all Patreon donations and subscriptions to the Triangle Community Foundation. The Triangle is where Jackie and Sean live (in Durham, NC), and the Foundation is making it a better place to live. Check out their website to learn more.

Finally, we have four awesome Patreon tiers that give you REALLY COOL stuff! This includes shoutouts, early access to episodes, and invites to LIVE shows! Take a look at the tiers or give a custom pledge here.

Triangle Community Foundation: https://trianglecf.org/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/join/jackiewatchesstuff?

Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/jackiewatchesstuff)