Saru discovers his past is a LIE, and sets out to find the truth about his family, and his ability to transform into the powerful post-Va’harai Kelpien.  Ferengi expert Kregg Castillo makes his Season 2 debut on Jack’s Silly Little Friendly Neighborhood Star Trek Discovery Podcast, and discovers that along with Barm and Jack, they are about to become Kelpien/Ba’ul experts as well.   It’s an exciting time as we talk Ray Bradbury, Armus (of course), Saru’s wacky backstory shenanigans, the fun Ash Tyler/Captain Pike dynamic, the ridiculous and delightful over-the-top Ba’ul, Va’harai, making huge society changing decisions on a whim with no information and the tattered remains of the prime directive, and boldly going forward from here!  Of course, it wouldn’t be a Disco season 2 ‘cast without those nutty Red Angel theories.  THE PODCASTERS SPEAK.