The latest and greatest episode of Jack’s Stilly Little Star Trek Discovery Podcast is here, and guess what?  It’s a full blown Reopening the Wormhole (re?)union!  That’s right, Sam Stovold (also of Marvel Star Wars Explorers) and Kevin Young (for about half the episode) join Jack to dish on Point of Light, the first episode of season 3 to really give them pause.  Since it’s basically an RTW episode, that means it going to get out of hand very quickly as the gang does their classic shtick talking The Fugitive and ’94 Oscars, how bad Section 31 is sitting with them, Emperor Georgiou and her wacky antics, Klingon hair, severed infant heads, and an epic mailbag leads Jack and Sam to spiral into a sprawling discussion on what they want from Star Wars!  It’s got everything, baby!  #prayforlorca