As coronavirus drives us all back into quarantine, we're going a liiiiiittle bonkers, which drives us to think about the near universal fear of being trapped. We also talk about insights into the serial killer mind, and we convince a horror-averse friend to watch Scream and talk about it. 


Corri talks about a guy who got stuck in an elevator for 41 hours
Being buried alive would be terrible
We learn that mice have a penchant for brains and it expains a nightmarish incident from Corri's youth
Mark delves into quotes from murderers about the experience of killing
Lian Stutsman pops in to talk about her experience watching Scream in our ongoing series of horror n00bs watching the classics
We give a few recs and anti-recs

Ever had a cannibalistic pet? We want to hear about it! Talk to us @jackofallgraves on Twitter! Don't forget to rate and review us, and tell your creepiest friend that they should listen!

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