Previous Episode: John Robb - JML #085
Next Episode: Luke Burgis - JML #087

The Mob, The Long Night, and the Path of Maximum Courage

Jordan Hall: futurist, technologist, philosopher, sense maker. He returns to JML to discuss and wide range of topics including how the world has changed after the Russia invasion, open source network swarm, egregores, humility, sense making, personal sovereignty, propaganda, the end of history, spiritual journeys, web3, lorecraft, emergent phenomenon and more. Talks with Jordan are always worth the time.


- Russia / Ukraine - Fukiyama - What is War energy? - The death energy - Blood lust - Open source network swarm (re: John Robb) - Changing the niche of our own social environment - Collective intelligence - Emergent phenomenon - Oral tradition - printing press - internet - Coordination Capacity - Egregore - How do humans coordinate - Moloch - Ensoulment - Something so scary it feels like a lie - Victorian synthesis - Blue Church / Red Religion - Crossing the adaptive valley - There's no here to stay in - Adapt or die - Weimar Germany - Russia in the adaptive valley, blood lust, and collective intelligence. - Risk aversion - Courage - How to use digital to nudge behavior - Chinese Social Credit System - How to make small changes in the choice landscape - How to nudge the mob - Identity and control structures - Surrender - Soul, body, persona - Path of maximum courage - Niche adaption - The Mob, The Long Night, and the Path of Maximum Courage - Power vs Strength - Personal Sovereignty - How to listen to your gut, and why - The clean feedback of getting punched in the face - Self, Family, Community - How community can solve the world - DAO - web3 - lorecraft - ego death - transcendent design