Here's his Bio in his on words...

I have been a sailor, linguist, NSA Analyst, retailer, insurance agent, stock broker, registered principal, venture capitalist, business turnaround expert, bestselling author, paid corporate speaker, direct marketing executive, TV Talking Head seen on CNBC, Fox, CBS, and ABC, Real Estate Developer in Mexico, and when it collapsed in 2008 in a desperate effort to save what couldn't be saved, an inmate in the Arizona Prison System. I deserved what I got, and as a result of that last one, I gained insight that is unique in that there aren't too many people smart enough to become self-made millionaires and then stupid, reckless, and selfish enough to fall all the way down to the bottom and living among an ocean of criminals from drug addicts to murderers. It was there that I came to understand that first, the usual prescriptions to end crime are just propaganda and then experience a revelation of EXACTLY what to do, a detailed plan and path forward, to restore our country to where it was in terms of safety in 1964.

Why that year? It was the year when the Civil Rights Act passed at last making all forms of discrimination illegal forever. It was also a time when you could leave your doors unlocked, your keys in the car, and the words school (or church, synagogue, mall, store, nightclub, concert) and shooting never appeared in the same sentence. The Plan will return us not back to the past but the way we faced the future in the past. It will make crime something that most of us never experience nor fear while at the same time saving our culture in general. It rests on Four Pillars: Justice, Courage, Moderation, and Wisdom and based upon Objective Reality. It is unique.

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