2 COMEDIANS ONE PODCAST is hosted by J.R. Bjornson who is a new stand up blind comedian who is still learning the art of stand up comedy. Join J.R. as he talks with local Red Deer comedians who have been performing stand up comedy for many years. Episode 3 features Vidi Epson who has been working in front of stages for a few years. Here are the questions and topics of today's special episode.

#1. Intro Who are you?

#2. How did you get to know each other.

#3. Why do you perform stand up comedy?

#4. What is the coolest job you ever had?

#5. Do you still get nervous before going on stage?

#6. What is your favourite food if you could only eat that food forever?

#7. Android or iPhone and why?

#8. What are your goals in life? Not just comedy?

#9. Who got you into comedy? What was their name?

#10. If you had $10,000 what would you do with it?

#11. Do you promote yourself as a comedian and if so how?

#12. Any advice for people thinking about trying the art of stand up?

#13. Any last words before we end this episode?

Remember to share this podcast with your friends and keep coming back every Friday Morning at 4Am for a new podcast with a new comedian.

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