Social media (and the world in general) is full of overly-dramatic people and IWS Radio is here to make fun of them. Drama Queens and Kings can be exhuasting, but they call also be very entertaining. We have those friends who post vague things on social media looking for sympathy and attention. They post things like "NEED PRAYERS!" and nothing else or "OMG I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" or the even more ominous "I'M DONE! GOODBYE!" Others just post sad memes or bad poetry when they're going through it. Then there's the big one "I can't talk about it right now, but ..." And, there's the super sensitive people who are always getting into fights, arguments and tiffs with friends or strangers on the internet. Luckily, Matt, Jamie, and Jayman would never engage in such drama, nor would we get into a big social media fight with others. That's why we and the IWS Players are going to grab some snacks and kick back while enjoying everyone else's drama! As always you can call us up and tell us all about your latest drama @ 661.244.9852!