The holidays are fast approaching and you don't want to go a drunken and dysfunctional family Thanksgiving dinner or a tear-filled and angry Christmas get together unprepared mentally and unarmed emotionally, so...Jay, Matt and the IWS team are going to help you hone your highly opinionated and tightly held beliefs so you can fight holiday fire with finely tuned, smugly superior sarcasm and an arsenal of, I'm Right; You're Wrong bombshells.

The IWS team will be airing their nuclear fueled opinions as well on politics, people, music, sports, and things. There will also be witty banter, drinks, Jamie MapleLeaf boob talk, and an angry Schmoop. All of that plus your phone calls at 661.244.9852 as IWS presents: I'm Right; You're Wrong, Here's A Turkey Leg And A Gift Card