The War on Christmas has officially resumed and the folks at IWS Radio are ready to jump into the middle of the fight and mix it up with both sides! As you know Matt-Man, Jamie, and Jayman are always a bit conflicted over this conflict. We see all sides of the issue and are always ready to do battle with anyone at any time. Basically, we think this War on Christmas is hilarious and we're here to laugh at everyone involved. 

As always the IWS Players will be here to share their unique view of the world and bring a smile to your face. There will be witty banter, good/bad music, good/bad booze and all kinds of shenanigans. No matter which side you're on, you'll find something to be happy and, not so happy about in this very exciting episode of IWS Radio! And, of course the Battle Lines will be open @ 661.244.9852 for any cultural warrior who wants to get it on with us!