On this episode, Antariksh and Amit are joined by our social media wiz Kaustav Banerjee, to talk about aliens! Do they believe they exist, or do they not? What are their favourite movies about aliens, UFOs and first contact with extraterrestrials? What have they seen recently around this topic? All this and lots more.

Also, some epic recommendations in the first half - Amit recommends a LitRPG book called 'CivCEO', Kaustav talks about a TV series called 'Euphoria' starring Zendaya, and Antariksh talks about one of the biggest anime/manga series of all time, One Piece.

Links to the Joe Rogan Experience episodes discussed on this episode:
Dan Aykroyd: https://youtu.be/4LIsLD3j0oQ
Cmdr. David Fravor: https://youtu.be/Eco2s3-0zsQ

'They're Made of Meat' by Terry Bisson: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Y29sbGVnaWF0ZS12YS5vcmd8c3ZhYm9ubGluZXxneDo1NmQ3YzM0NGIzOTgwZWZm

You can follow Amit on Instagram & Twitter @DoshiAmit.
You can follow Antariksh on Instagram @antariksht.
You can follow Kaustav on Instagram @kaustav1307

Have topics or things that you'd like for us to cover on the show? Reach out to us at [email protected]

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