Jay Beale (InGuardians)

Mike Yamamoto (Beth Israel)
Dave Estlick (Starbucks)
Ron Dilley (Warner Brothers)


Tune in for an in-depth look into the key issues at the top of mind for CISOs across industries. This is a Part 2 of 2 CISO panels during Black Hat exploring the ever-changing role of the CISO, and how security professionals are coping with the threats and stress of protecting today's enterprise.

Join top cyber security executives for an interactive Q&A roundtable discussion on:
- What's new on the threatscape
- Beyond cyber threats
- What keeps CISOs up at night
- Building a security culture
- CISO to CISO recommendations

For all of ITSPmagazine's videos and podcasts from Black Hat, DEF CON, BSidesLV, and Hacking Diversity, be sure to visit: