When preparing for your “InfoSec Camping Trip,” and you start to put together your list of things to pack, what do you include? This is one of the many questions we asked today’s guest, Katie Nickels. You might be surprised to hear what’s on her list—or, perhaps, her list is similar to your own.

Chances are, the one thing that probably won’t be similar to Katie’s is the path you took into information security. We all have different upbringings, educational experiences, visions and dreams, personal journeys, and career paths. Proof in point, it would be interesting to know how many people went to Smith College in Massachusetts, graduated with a liberal arts degree, was an intern journalist for an international news station, and ended up leading the charge for “a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations” at MITRE? I doubt very few others if any.

“You don’t really know if you’re going to be good at something until you try it."
— Katie Nickels

Of course, like all of our guests here on An InfoSec Life, Katie is made up of so much more than where she went to school and where she applies from her learnings as she pursues her career. It’s her full life experience that makes Katie excel at what she is passionate about:

Baking and cake decoratingWriting codeCampingData and intelligence analysisCrossFit training

Katie also shares with us what is like entering the field of cybersecurity, combining the exploration, the research, the investigation, the collection of data, and trying to figure out what it means by telling a story by asking questions such as — “What the heck does that mean?” — “How does it impact us?” — “Why does it matter?”—“What story do I need to tell, and to whom do I tell it?”

Our conversation with Katie was naturally wonderful—we suspect you will enjoy listening to it as much as we did having it.

So… now’s the time for you to join us.

Go ahead, press play.

Katie Nickels

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