By Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli with Chris Cochran (and Ronald Eddings)

Trust us, the "Underrepresented Podcast" is a series. It just took us a bit to make the follow up to a well-received episode one, but here we are with number two—and number three is scheduled for next month. 

In this, and all future episodes, we intend to bring clear examples of all pockets of underrepresentation. We want to shine a light along the path with case studies to draw upon and actions that can be taken to go beyond diversity and inclusion.

Our common goal is to help find a solution to this issue. We must do so if we want to have a fighting chance to reduce the skills gap in the tech industry, and most of all, if we're going to live in a society that is fair and equal for all.

With "Underrepresented"—recorded and produced in conjunction with our good friends, Chris Cochran and Ronald Eddings—we want to merge conversation with action. We want to help by facilitating the process, providing a platform, and opening up the conversation in a safe place for people to come and make their voices heard. We want to let people know that opportunities and dreams are out there and achievable for everyone. Many organizations and people are devoting their lives to this cause, and we want to hear from them. We want to listen to their stories, their struggles, and their achievements.

In this second episode, our guests are: 

Charles Nwatu representing Dev Color
Dev Color is a non-profit organization that helps Black software engineers grow into industry leaders.

Nelson Abbot representing Power
NPower creates pathways to economic prosperity by launching digital careers for military veterans and young adults from underserved communities.

Alright, enough here.

Press play and share if you wish to help us to make the voices of the underrepresented heard.

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