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Firms are outsourcing more and more, but the one thing they can’t outsource is responsibility. The motivation of malicious hackers has moved beyond notoriety and a quick buck to obstruction of business, reputational damage, and infrastructure/resource theft – all of which has forced a reset in how management and boards approach risk.

Join us on a whirlwind tour of some foundational thinking around third-party risk, cybersecurity, and board communication. Our guests Cathy Allen and Mike Jordan of the Santa Fe Group walk us through a lively discussion on how third-party risk has evolved with and around the growth in malicious hacking, the changing makeup and thinking across boards of directors, the importance of diversity, and how well-thought-out tools assist with risk assessments.

We’ll even explore the relationship between AI and diversity – yes! – and how true diversity can be your ally in the fight on several levels (and it’s not as simple as race, ethnicity, and gender).

Cathy Allen & Mike Jordan

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