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ITSPmagazine’s John Dasher sat down at Black Hat 2018 with Jonathan Sander of STEALTHbits to chat about unstructured data, protecting credentials, ransomware, machine learning – and Sylvester Stallone. Plus, he explains how STEALTHbits can help protect an organization’s sensitive data from insider threats and automate security and compliance tasks.

The number one move in the world of unstructured data and active directory is: delete.

Jonathan puts this into perspective by mentioning the Sony hack: one of the things that was exposed was Sylvester Stallone’s social security number from a contract that was 14 years old. It was collateral damage that could’ve been completely eliminated with deletion.

They also touch on machine learning, automation and more in the context that there are still 1 million successful ransomware attacks per month.

Jonathan Sander

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