The Legal, Civil, Commercial, and Societal Pulse of CyberSecurity

If I had to take a bet before Hacker Summer Camp in Las Vegas 2019 I wouldn’t have put my money on “collaboration” being the topic that, more than anything, spontaneously came up during the many conversations we had. Sure, there were some hints from conversations we had prior to the event, and I was hoping that sooner than later it would become one of the core topics to leverage and improve the future of cybersecurity. However, I didn’t expect it to come this early and to present itself this strongly as a message throughout the whole week.

Throughout the conversation, it also became clear that cross-pollination of roles and careers is beneficial to all parties involved. While we got the chance to meet security professions that came from law, academia, and government roles during this specific Unusual Gathering conversation, I think it’s time to extend the conversation further by converging of all these diverse—sometimes opposite—points of view. It is that opportunity to collaborate that we must take advantage off.

Have a listen, discuss, think, and engage with others as much as you can. We all win if we do.

Amit Elazari | MK Palmore

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