“Water drops hit the wet stone floor. The sound reverberates in the distance.”

“I see there is somebody lurking in the shadow here.”



“Grunt__”     “Grunt__”

“He couldn't sound creepier if he tries to sound creepier__”

“I could try.”

“He could probably be.“

“He probably could. He probably could__ anxious laugh.”

“Evil laugh echoes in the emptiness of the dark corridor__”

This was not scripted. It just happened. The podcast starts like this and there is nothing I can do about it. Actually, to be honest, I am glad it did. It sets the tone for an exciting new Talk Show that we are bringing on ITSPmagazine and it is immediately confirming—with zero doubt whatsoever—that dreaming of this person joining us was the best thing we could do. The second best thing was asking her. The third best thing was her saying yes!

So, I guess you are getting the idea for what this podcast is about and why should you take your time to listen to it.

Yes, it is Jenny Radcliffe—AKA The People Hacker—talking with Sean and me about what this new Talk Show on ITSPmagazine is going to be—in short, it is going to be something for the books. It will be different, for sure, but also intriguing, entertaining, and educational.

But if you need more reasons to sit around the campfire with us to have a listen, here are some more points to put in your back pocket (or front shirt pocket protector, if you have one):

Coyotes and PeyoteCon-artists, scams, flimflam, and cybersecurityUtopia and DystopiaPhilosophy and PsychologyPsychics and Social EngineeringTechnology, illusions and the science behind the bizarre

This is about all of that… and more.

Most importantly, it is also about having conversations that get us all—even us—primed to keep an open mind such that on one side we may be teaching, and on the other we might be learning—hopefully both at the same time.

All of it will happen with a touch of skepticism, a pinch of cynical approach, and a generous sprinkle of sarcasm___ and voila’, dinner is served through your favorite headset, speaker, or other listening apparatus of your choosing.

Stay with us. Listen. Think. Participate… if you will.

This is going to be LEGENDARY!

Jenny Radcliffe

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