A Their Story Podcast with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli
Guest: Christopher Pierson

The organization telling us their story today is BlackCloak.

This is a story that sits squarely where business and society connects with technology and cybersecurity.

Last time we saw Chris Pierson in person was at RSA Conference in San Francisco, since then many things have happened. Amongst those a round of funding from DataTribe which further validates the service that the BlackCloak team is bringing to the market.

According to the release, the investment will be used to “strengthen its concierge cybersecurity platform and expand its presence within key sectors where cybercrime losses and intellectual theft continue to be on the rise.”

Succeeding in the information security market takes a lot more than building a better mousetrap. The market must be ready for the solution—finding value and willing to pay for the it—and the team must be capable of surviving a financial runway that supports a return for their investors. Looks like BlackCloak is on the right track for all of the above.

In this podcast, Dr. Pierson walks us through some of the high level threat trends and specific threat activity he and his team are seeing and monitoring as they protect executives and high net worth individuals when and where their business cyber protections stop— in their home and in their everyday life. From home printers being hijacked to cyber extortion, everything is fair game for cyber criminals.

Of course this new normal that is taking place, as businesses find their employees—and their top level executives—working from home full time, using home-based network and computing equipment, and sharing this new “office” space with their family (who are also home full time now), it’s more important than ever to ensure the safety of these high profile employees.

No need to take our word for it. Press play and listen to Dr. Pierson telling us about this new chapter in the BlackCloak story.

Be sure to visit BlackCloak at https://itspm.ag/itspbcweb to learn more about their offering.