As humans, we tend to take things for granted. Sure, there are always advances in technology, and life, in general, seems to be getting "easier" — but that's not always the case for everyone. Technology can and should be so much more than that.

We must constantly remind ourselves that there is nothing magic about it. We are the ones that imagine, build, and use it every day. Until we approach the entire process from a Universal Design perspective, we will inevitably fail to make it accessible and usable by all.

This could result from the need to build products that meet the mass market need to garner the most significant profits possible and meet shareholder expectations. But that is no excuse for the lack of inclusion and disrespect for diversity.

This could also result from good intentions that go bad because of unconscious bias that makes us forget that we are not all the same. What we call disabilities are nothing more than shades of colors between a black or white vision that permeates our societies.

Those who don't fall into the "segment" defined by the product marketing requirements or by what is described as "normal" will have to find a way to fit the mold or get left behind for that particular advancement instead of enjoying the benefits.

It doesn't have to be that way, however. And today's conversation is about this.

We can, and must, harness the power of technology to be inclusive as it can, and must, help many peoples' lives. If it is not for an improvement of our universal human condition then, what is it for?

We talk about it so people can think about it — and when we think, fantastic things can happen.

Doug Blecher, Founder at Autism Personal Coach (@BlecherDoug on Twitter)

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