Today I’m talking to Samantha Mosley, a 15-year-old girl whose company she is interning with (G2) sent her to this conference. No parent would be insane enough to send their teenage daughter to DEF CON without parental supervision, and that is why I’m also talking to her father, Russell Mosley, who is volunteering at the Blue Team Village and who has not left her side the whole time.

Incidentally, my co-host Sean Martin and I interviewed Russell Mosley as well as Nolan Berry of the Blue Team Village, which was one of the first Blue Villages at a traditionally red team conference – which you can find on our Las Vegas coverage page. It was during that conversation that Russell mentioned his daughter and her interest in technology and cybersecurity from a very young age – so, of course, I had to chat with her!

Hearing Samantha’s story was eye-opening and inspiring, particularly in the context of “how do we get more girls and women – not to mention young people in general – into cybersecurity and tech?” How important are role models, especially those who look like us, does encouragement and support from your family and teachers make a difference as to which career path you will take, and how much impact does early exposure to and education about cyber and tech have on youth?

Tune in to hear how a technology class in elementary school  – yes, elementary school – kicked off Samantha’s interest, how she built her first app about George Washington in 4th grade, and what provoked her to do data analysis from local crime statistics.

Take a listen and enjoy!

Samantha Mosley

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